About BN Creative

fostering and inspiring creativity
fostering and inspiring creativity

“Inspiring Creative Lives”

Our Mission at BN Creative is to inspire and foster creativity in people of all ages, providing the tools and services for getting the most out of creative living.

BN Creative is founded on the premise that creativity has been and continues to be a relatively untapped and greatly under utilized human ability. We plan to change this. In fact, our vision is to revolutionize the way creativity can positively impact our world.

One such key factor that impacts ones creative ability is their environment.

We believe that ones environment plays a vital role in promoting an open mindset, encouraging more creative thinking, and enhancing the overall experience. The Creativity Cottage was designed to support this thinking in a unique, yet less corporate way.

So the next time you are planning to bring people together, whether your business team or family and friends, we hope you choose The Creativity Cottage!

From all of us at BN Creative, we hope that you truly find The Creativity Cottage an inspiring gathering space and that your experience is a positive one!